lol what about yahoo? i hate icq, and aim rocks. The graphics are terrible.
lol what about yahoo? i hate icq, and aim rocks. The graphics are terrible.
u suck...
what was that?
that was pretty random, and that guy is not poxpower.
man that dog is soo cute and funny lol, i love your movies, good work.
lol!! if there were sound i think it would of been alot hotter. LoL funny stuff under construction.
that was awesome
that was really great, It's just like the movie lol but funnier. I thought it was gonna be the whole movie, but of course it can't fit. So i'm gonna wait till volume 2. I don't really watch many flash movies all the way through but this one i did.
how would you know you missed if you lost your memory? lol the trailers are alright , but you can find better looking sprites.
not another clock movie..
i've seen a few good ones though. But this isn't one of them. work on it a bit, i know all their voices are gonna be that annoying computer program, but you can work on the graphics
lol i know the graphics are supose to be like that huh? oh well it was still pretty funny but very predictable.
where the hell is the fighting? lol, c'mon don't make it end right when it's about to get good. Also what's up with the plain white background?
will it stay?
lol that was pretty funny, great parody lol, really nice graphics, and animation. But it seems stolen, this might be flagged dunno.
I'm hot cuz i'm hot, hot. You're not cuz your not, not.
Age 38, Male
Director/ Editor
from dang North Carolina
Joined on 4/9/04