My review:
That was violent like hell as usual. All of those bad guys look like agent smiths. Haha it's crazy but in reality no one can survive such a threat.
Graphics: Not the best but that is your style of drawing 7/10
Style: Unique no arms, just hands. Your the orignal author for this series.
Sound: Okay just sound effects of weapons and death. Music got annoying 5/10
Violence: Haha bloody as hell, The clown is scary. 9/10
Interactivity: Haha very interesting to watch, Madness is pretty big on Newgrounds, and very well known. 8/10
Humor: A bit of humor haha all those dead bodies so not in touch with reality, that was what was funny. Also that the clown won. 4/10
Overall: Honestly for me I thought it was good but not that great. 8/10
I'm actually glad the clown won, it is to show that good guys don't always win or the main character.
Very well done.